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Journal Articles
Clinical comparison between dental high speed air turbine cutting handpiece and traditional instruments in mandibular impacted teeth extraction
Pages: 74-77
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal

Keyword:  dental high speed air turbine cutting handpiecesurgery burmandibular impacted teethcomplication;
Abstract: Objective To evaluate the effect of mandibular impacted teeth extraction with dental high speed air turbine cutting hand-piece and surgery bur.Methods This study included 120 patients from Anhui Stomatology Hospital whose third molar teeth were ex-tracted.These patients were randomly assigned into two groups:the experimental group and control group.The control group was treated using tradition chisel splint method,meanwhile the experimental group was treated by dental high speed air turbine cutting handpiece and the bur.The probability of dental root fracture and lower lip numbness,swelling,pain and hardship of opening mouth in the consul-tation after the surgery were evaluated.Results The comparison of the probability of dental root fracture and lower lip numbness,swell-ing,pain and hardship of opening mouth between two groups was made.There were significant differences in two methods.Conclusions Dental high speed air turbine cutting handpiece and surgery bur perform better in mandibular impacted teeth extraction,which is wor-thy to be promoted and studied in clinic treatment.
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