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Journal Articles
Definition and classification of professional sport event′s staKeholders on the whole process of marKeting
Pages: 23-27
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Journal of Shandong Institute of Physical Education and Sports

Keyword:  whole process of marketingprofessional sport eventsstakeholdersdefinitionclassifi-cation;
Abstract: With documentation,this paper has overviewed the theories of professional sport and pro-fessional sport events and reviewed the domestic definition and classification of stakeholders of sport events. On this basis,with questionnaire survey and mathematical statistics the author defined the stakeholders of professional sport events from the whole process of marketing. The results show that club investors,associations,managers,the government,sponsors,event producers( athletes,coach and referee),audience and medium are identified as the stakeholders of professional sport events. Then,based on the principal of importance scores,the stakeholders of professional sport events are classified core stakeholders,sub -core stakeholders,supportive stakeholders and marginal stake-holders.
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