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Journal Articles
On Philosophical Intonation of Searle’s Speech Act Theory
Pages: 74-78
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Journal of Wuhu Vocational Institute of Techology

Keyword:  speech act theorylinguistic philosophyphilosophy of mindintentionalityobjective world;
Abstract: By mending, supplementing and investigating Austin’s speech act theory, Searle raised indirect speech act theory which expanded studies of meanings of traditional linguistic philosophy beyond the domain of implied meanings, and thus led to inquiry on intentionality. Thus, he gradually explored deeply into the human mind, and established a complete set of speech act theory by effectively combining linguistic philosophy with the philosophy of mind. Additionally, he made clear his position on controversial“metaphysical problem”in the traditional philosophy, which consequently introduced his new ternary analysis on the relationship of the human kind, the language and the world.
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