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Journal Articles
The Present Situation and Improvement Strategies of Bilingual Teaching in Preschool Children Science Education---Taking Changji University as an Example
Pages: 6-9
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Journal of Shaanxi Institute of Education

Keyword:  bilingual preschool educationscientific education activitiesimprovement measures;
Abstract: The higher bilingual education to preschool major students the easier it would be for kinder‐garten to have bilingual teaching method for kids .However ,we found that there are a lot of problems when practicing bilingual teaching in "early childhood science education" courses ,which are :too many theories teaching that would make kids feel less lively and boring ;the lack of practice that kids do not know how to use;the weak of professional scientific bilingual language skills among preschool teachers which is hard to improve .Therefore ,considering these problems ,the paper makes investigation and re‐searches based on the questionnaire survey and it suggests the improvement measures for college students ’ bilingual learning .
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