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Journal Articles
Research on the Application of Kirkpatrick’s RLBR Model in Australian TAE Qualification Training
Pages: 116-119
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Journal of Beijing College of Politics and Law

Keyword:  Kirkpatrick’s RLBR modelAustralian VET systemTAE qualifi cation;
Abstract: Kirkpatrick’s RLBR model is a useful training assessment tool based on the key stages of training process. The TAE qualifi cation training program in the Australian VET system developed a system of learning packages for the training and assessment professionals. This paper explores the application of Kirkpatrick’s model in the TAE qualifi cation training fi elds based on the author’s own experiences and the literature reviews. The research fi ndings will be helpful in better understanding of the model’s application and provide references for its practice in vocational education and training.
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