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Journal Articles
The Control Module Design of Asphalt Mixing Dynamic Weighing Based on Ant Colony Algorithm
Pages: 142-146
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Highway Engineering

Keyword:  weighingmeasurementPID controlfuzzyant colony algorithm;
Abstract: The asphalt mixing equipment belongs to the special road construction machinery,the character of the mixture impacts on the quality of road construction,Mixture ratio and weighing control of various materials are the key technology of the mixing equipment.This paper analyzes the structure of the asphalt mixture weighing module,being aimed at the dynamic performance deficiencies of conventional PID controller in the process of weighing module,puts forward the optimization of fuzzy PID controller three parameters,kp,ki ,kd,by ant colony algorithm,designs the optimization scheme of the three parame-ters,devising the asphalt flow measurement and the hardware of weighing module according to the process.Experiments show that the weighing module can improve the measurement accuracy of the materi-al and get a better dynamic performance.
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