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Journal Articles
Study on the Construction Control Parameters of Cement Stabilized Macadam Structure Layer
Pages: 159-163
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Highway Engineering

Keyword:  cement stabilized macadamgradation designunconfined compressionreasonable cement contentconstruction technology;
Abstract: Cement stabilized macadam base layer as a load-bearing structure is widely used in our highway.The new cement stabilized macadam base often cracks because of unreasonable amount of ce-ment and unscientific construction technology,which reduces the life of the road.In this paper,a new cement gravel mix CBG—25 off grading design theory is used to calculate the composition of cement stabi-lized gravel mixture gradation,and the influence rule to cement mixture strength by gradation and cement dose was investigated through different gradations and cement dose unconfined compressive strength test, combined with effects of physical implementation of real project,the construction site control points of cement stabilized gravel were elaborated on the basis of them.
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