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Journal Articles
Protective Effects of Osthole on Rats with Focal Cerebral Ischemia_reperfusion Injury
Pages: 1558-1561
Year: Issue:  12
Journal: Herald of Medicine

Keyword:  OstholeIschemia_rePerfusionbrainFree radical;
Abstract: Objective To inVestigate the Potential mechanism and ProtectiVe effects of osthole on rats with focal cerebral ischemia_rePerfusion injury. Methods Middle cerebral artery occlusion was induced by the suture_occluded method. After 2 h of cerebral ischemia and 24 h of rePerfusion,scores of neurological deficits and infarct Volume were eValuated. The leVels of SOD,MDA,GSH and ATPase were also determined. Results Scores of neurological deficits and infarct Volume were lower in the osthole grouPs than in the model grouP. Meanwhile,the actiVity of SOD and GSH content were increased,while the MDA content was decreased in osthole grouPs. Conclusion Osthole exerts ProtectiVe effects on rats with focal cerebral ischemia_rePerfusion injury.
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