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On the Legal Issues of lien on Civil Aircrafts
Author(s): Yao Lin-li, Guangzhou Aviation College
Pages: 58-
Year: 2014
Journal: Journal of Political Science and Law
Keyword: civil aircrafts; lien; commercial lien; bona fade acquisition;
Abstract: Whether civil aircrafts are applicable or in what ways they are applicable to lien is still nearly vacant in legislation and judicial practice,which may lead to the instability of the rights of civil aircrafts and is not good for the full display of their values. This paper discusses the legal issues of commercial lien and bona fade acquisition of lien. After an analysis of international law and other countries’ relevant prescriptions,this paper proposes to amend Civil Aviation Law and add relevant legislation of lien on civil aircrafts according to the characteristics of civil aviation development and China’s actual conditions in order to make up for the vacancy in legislation and regulate the rights of lien on civil aircrafts.
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