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Journal Articles
Quantitative Determination of Resveratrol in Wines by HPLC
Pages: 106-110
Year: Issue:  22
Journal: Food Research and Development

Keyword:  wineresveratrolgrape varietyflash release technology;
Abstract: The content of resveratrol in 29 kinds of wines was determined by HPLC. The results showed that there was much cis-resveratrol in wines,the average content of eight dry red wine of single variety was 8.04 mg/L,the range of total resveratrol was between 1.29 mg/L-34.52 mg/L, and the content of dry red wine in Merlot was the highest. The average content of eleven dry white wine of single variety was 0.26 mg/L,the range of total resveratrol was between 0 mg/L-0.83 mg/L,and the content of dry white wine was obviously lower than dry red wines. The average content of 6 kinds of dry red wine made with flash release technology was 9.59 mg/L,but the average content of control( traditional technology) was 4.39 mg/L,the content of resveratrol was increased by 118.45%.
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