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Journal Articles
Digital Photography Visiometer System and Comparative Experiment
Pages: 2298-2302
Year: Issue:  11
Journal: Acta Electronica Sinica

Keyword:  digital photographic technologyvisibility automation observation instrumentCCD cameracontrol circuitcom-parative experiment;
Abstract: The traditional optical visibility instruments bear their respectine in observation defects .Digital photography vi-siometer system (DPVS ) is one new type of visibility automation observation instrument ,has been developed by adophing advanced digital photography technologe and imitating manual VisibiLity observation by human ege based on the definition of visibiLity visi-bility’s theory and according to the definition of meteorological visibility .This thesis introduced the work theory of system、compose of system、structure of hardware and software flow ,in the end some contrasted experiment results between DPVS and traditional op-tical visibility as well as manual visibility observation were given .The results show that the three ways share the same change trend with kind of differences .And in complicated weather conditions ,like rainful the differences are more obvious .
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