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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
On variety of Chinglish and China english
Pages: 411-414+424
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Journal of Anshan Institute of Iron and Steel Tech

Keyword:  ChinglishChina englishvariety;
Abstract: China English and Chinglish are different from standard English. China English is a variety of English with Chinese characteristics and can be used to communicate with native speakers or second language users. However,Chinglish is a malformation of English,which is non-standard or does not conform to English culture and customs. It hinders the cultural communication between china and English nations. These two kinds are elaborately illustrated by using qualitative analysis. It is found that Chinglish may develop into China English if it is instructed correctly,but it is not a variety of China English indeed. The knowledge of the relationships between them can further promote the standardization of English that Chinese people use and the nationalization of Chinese culture.
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