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Identification andDescriptionof Volcanic Apparatus in Yaoshen 2,3Well Areasof Songliao Basin
Author(s): LIU Cheng-zhi, JI Jian-fei, YANG Guo-bai
Pages: 2118-
Year: 2014
Journal: Contemporary Chemical Industry
Keyword: Songliaobasin; Yaoshen area; Volcanic rocks diagenesis; Identification and description;
Abstract: The volcanic rocksof Yingcheng group of Yaoshen area have many centers.Based ondifferent formation volcanic eruptions’period, ancient volcanic apparatusescan bedefinedasfollows: surface accumulation of lava, pyroclastic rock andintrusive rockinvolcanic channel, thesearethe most basic units in tectonic of volcanic rocks. Two volcanic apparatusesinmember 1ofYingcheng group of Yaoshen areahaveeruptedalong two faults respectively, soYingcheng grouphaseruption facies,itslithology is mainly the crystal tuff.Two volcanic apparatusesinmember2 ofYingcheng grouphave noterupted,after depositionofmember2of Yingcheng formation, the right side of the body haspierced upsedimentary layerthrough the original channel, the outbreakinmember3of Yingcheng formationhas formedabout three hundred meters high volcanic cone, and broad lava plateau on both sides of the form;the lithology ofYaoshen 2 wellinYingcheng formation depositionisrhyolite, volcanic breccia interbedswith tuff, the eruption patternisburst facies.
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