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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
The Exploration to the Manufacturing Enterprise's Logistics Outsourcing Model in Our Country
Pages: 58-60,64
Year: Issue:  11
Journal: Logistics Sci-tech

Keyword:  manufacturing enterpriseslogistics outsourcinglogistics outsourcing modelthe core-competitiveness;
Abstract: The manufacturing enterprises, with the economic globalization accelerated, are confronted with the increasingly fierce competition in the 21st century. Facing the pressure of competitions and the globalization and regionalization of eco-nomics, the manufacturers are compelled to focus on their manufacturing, to reduce the cost of production and improve the efficiency of management. In a word, the manufacturers are devoting themselves to increase their core-competitiveness in the market in the long run. To some extent, logistics are distributed to other companies because of its unimportance. In modern business world, how to deal with logistics outsourcing is an important factor to affect the competitiveness of the manufacturing enterprises. The theme is to explore the appli-cation of the logistics outsourcing models by analyzing the current trend of the logistics outsourcing and the existing lo-gistics outsourcing models. The final purpose of this paper is to help the manufacturing enterprises find a suitable logistics outsourcing model to increase the competitiveness in the mar-ket.
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