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Journal Articles
Research on Model - Based Design Method Power Measurement
Pages: 1-7
Year: Issue:  19
Journal: Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation

Keyword:  Model - Based Design(MBD)power measurementautomatic code generationFP-GA;
Abstract: A digital simulation model of power measurement system has been designed based on a Model - Based De-sign(MBD)method. The physical environment and signal conditioning circuit have been modeled under Matlab / Sim-ulink environment so as to combine the early algorithm simulation with the late hardware implementation. Four types of portable power measurement models are established with the help of Simulink software package and Simulink function library,and the quasi - synchronous sampling method and wavelet packet transform algorithm are adopted to realized power measurement. These two algorithms are compared with the method of software in the loop test,and the results verify the accuracy of algorithms in the condition of different frequencies,harmonic combinations,power factors and non - stationary waveforms,and this will help us improve the developing procedure of digital measurement system. RTW - EC toolbox in Simulink has been adopted to generate C code automatically and download to ARM,so as to re-alize MBD procedure,and the experiment result satisfy the expectation.
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