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On the Origin of the Muslim Caste in India
Author(s): Cai Jing
Pages: 78-
Year: 2013
Journal: World Ethno-National Studies
Keyword: 印度穆斯林; 种姓; 源流;
Abstract: Muslim caste is a special social-cultural phenomenon in India and even in South Asia. It appeared under a given historical and practical background and experienced certain development,then presented in a hidden way. The caste among Muslims in India began with the indistinct caste-sense of Muslim merchants who settled down in India most early as well as the caste customs which deeply rooted in Hindus even though they converted to Islam. After the establishment of Delhi Sultanate,the division of Muslim Ashraf-Ajraf possessed the embryonic form of Muslim caste in India. This kind of division became more and more delicate in Mughal Empire and gradually became a kind of identity of Muslims in India.
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