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Journal Articles
Experimental Investigation on Improvement of CO2 Water-Water Heat Pump System Efficiency by Adding R32 Additive
Pages: 1484-1487
Year: Issue:  8
Journal: Journal of Engineering Thermophysics

Keyword:  CO 2 water-water heat pumpR32additive;
Abstract: The performance of the transcritical CO2 cycle that adds R32 additive from 1%to 5%was investigated.The results show that when the proportion of R32 additive is 5%.the compression ratio increases greatly;when adds R32 additive,the input power of compressor decreases;the COPh is increases greatly in part operating condition,when the proportion of R32 additive is 4%and the evaporation temperature is 0℃,the COPh is 4.43,the COPh improve 4%compared with pure CO2;when the proportion of R32 additive is 4%,the COPC reaches the maximum;when the proportion of R32 additive is 4%and the evaporation temperature is 0℃,the COPC is 3.87,the COPC improve7%compared with pure CO2;when adds the R32 additive,the water temperature of gas cooler reduces.
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