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Journal Articles
Corrections to Han Dynasty Bamboo Slips from Yinqueshan Ⅱ
Pages: 40-44
Year: Issue:  9
Journal: Journal of National Museum of Chinese History

Keyword:  Han Dynasty Bamboo Slips from Yinqueshanannotationcorrection;
Abstract: The current author makes corrections to some interpretations in Han Dynasty Bamboo Slips from Yinqueshan II(Cultural Relics Press, 2010). In"兵之前行后行之兵"(《将失》), the second"兵"in fact forms a sentence with the following six characters, read as "兵不参齐于阵前", meaning "soldiers cannot be neatly arranged before the start of a battle"; "忧" should be understood as"优", meaning "wealthy" or "plenty". The character read as "五"(《四伐》) should be"王"instead and the original sentence is not associated with "五行", because the core phrase is"行四伐". The character misunderstood as"与"(《文王问太公》)should be"兴"and therefore the sentence"天地弗能兴"corresponds rightly to the sentence"天地弗能废". The character read as"蜂"(《三十时》, slip 1739) should be understood as"蜼/虺", referring to a poisonous snake; in the same chapter,"妇"(slip 1820) should be"嫁"instead, according to the context.
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