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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Unforgettable Guling
Pages: 22-24
Year: Issue:  9
Journal: China Today

Keyword:  ElizabethvillagechildhoodreturnfulfillstoryFuzhoudreamhusbandvisit;
Abstract: <正>IN February 2012,on a visit to the U.S.,then Vice President Xi Jinping recounted an old story of friendship between China and America:An American man called Milton Gardner grew up in Guling(Kuliang in Fuzhou dialect),China.He had fond memories of his childhood there and often wished he could return.Sadly,Gardner died before he could fulfill his dream,but in 1992,his wife,Elizabeth,made a long-awaited trip to the village.She,too,soon fell in love with Guling and China.
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