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Application of Moisture Magnification Method to Estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation in Hong Kong
Author(s): CHEN Hong, LIN Bingzhang, ZHANG Yehui, LAN Ping, LIAO Yifan, College of Hydrometeorology, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Tianjin Meteorological Observatory
Pages: 14-
Year: 2014
Journal: Water Resources and Power
Keyword: precipitation; moisture magnification; moisture efficiency magnification; frequency analysis; PMP;
Abstract: In order to provide scientific basis for flood control construction in Hong Kong area,based on the precipitation data of 112 stations during 1984 to 2010,local pattern method is used to estimate the probable maximum precipitation.Compared with the frequency analysis results and the world record rainstorm,the feasibility of the method and the reliability of estimated results are validated.The results show that the probable maximum precipitation of Hong Kong obtained by local pattern method is reasonable,which can provide reference for controlling flood and reducing the disaster in Hong Kong area.
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