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An Investigation on Situations of Professional Identity of Junior High School Teachers in the City of Changsha in Hunan Province
Author(s): ZOU Hui-ming, LIU Yao-wu, School of Educational Science, Hunan Normal University
Pages: 42-
Year: 2014
Journal: Teacher Education Research
Keyword: the city of changsha; junior high school teacher; professional identity; investigation;
Abstract: This study used questionnaire to investigate the situations of professional identity of junior high school teachers in the city of Changsha in Hunan province.The questionnaire includes four dimensions,the professional value,character value,professional belonging,and professional behavior tendency.It also includes five background factors,age,gender,academic qualification,professional job title,and teaching age.The results shows that the junior high school teachers’ professional identity is high in the region;teachers’ professional identity have significant differences in age,professional job title and teaching age;the professional value is highest and the character value is lowest,what’s more,teachers’ professional value is obviously different with professional job title and teaching age,teachers’ character value in obviously different with age,gender,professional job title and teaching age,teachers’ professional belonging is obviously different in professional job title,and teachers’ professional behavior tendency haven’t found significant difference in all background factors.
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