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Journal Articles
A Studyon the Chemical Regulation Technology and Mechanism of Cucumber Plug Seedlings
Pages: 114-120
Year: Issue:  22
Journal: Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin

Keyword:  cucumberplant growth regulatorsplugseedlingsregulation mechanism;
Abstract: Four kinds of different plant growth regulators with different concentration treatment of DPC, CCC,PP333, ethephon on the influence of summer cucumber seedlings biological character, physiological indexes andyield was studied. The author adopted 3 kinds of treatment: spraying on the surface of the substrate(one time),the substrate surface spraying+ cotyledon flattening just open heart leaves show when spraying on the leaf(twice) and soaking seed three kinds. The results showed that the hypocotyl significantly shortened comparedwith the control, and leggy cucumber seedling was effectively controlled during the summer with four treatments combination of DPC 400 mg/kg(twice), PP333 20 mg/kg(one time), CCC 400 mg/kg(twice), seedsoaking CEPA 5000 mg/kg. Compared with the control, strong seedling index increased, root vitality raised,increased the rate of the dry matter to the distribution of the root system, and improved the quality of theseedling. Cucumber leaf chlorophyll content and disease resistance related enzymes of PPO, POD, CATactivitywas enhanced, proline content was increased, which enhanced disease resistance of cucumber.
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