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Two new xanthones from Lomatogonium carinthiacum
Author(s): Ba-gen-na, CHEN Yu-Lan, Baderihu, TONG Yu-Feng, Ye-ri-gui, WANG Qing-Hu, College of Traditional Mongolian Medicine, Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities
Pages: 693-
Year: 2014
Journal: Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines
Keyword: Lomatogonium carinthiacum; Xanthones; 2D NMR;
Abstract: AIM: To study the chemical constituents of Lomatogonium carinthiacum(Wulfen) Rchb. METHOD: The CHCl3-soluble fraction was separated by chromatography and the structures of the new compounds were elucidated by spectral experiments. RESULTS: Two new xanthones, 1, 8-dihydroxy-4, 5-dimethoxy-6, 7-methylenedioxyxanthone(1), 1, 4, 8-trimethoxyxanthone-6-O-β-D-glucoronyl-(1→6)O-β-D-glucoside(2) were isolated from the whole plant of Lomatogonium carinthiacum. CONCLUSION: Compounds 1 and 2 are new natural products.
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