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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Study on the Photosynthetic Characteristics of Different Sugar Beet Genotypes
Pages: 38-42
Year: Issue:  27
Journal: Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin

Keyword:  sugar beetgenotypeSPADphotosynthetic ratetranspiration rate;
Abstract: Further increasing the yield and sugar content of sugar beet is significant for the development of sugar beet production, sugar industry and increasing farmers’ income. In this study, the photosyntheticcharacteristics of different varieties of sugar beet were compared during the whole growth period. The resultsshowed that: there was significant difference of SPAD, photosynthetic rate, stomata conductance, intercellularCO2 concentration and transpiration rate in different sugar beet genotypes during the growing period. In sugaraccumulation stage, SPAD value of high-yielding varieties was lower than that of high sugar varieties. In rootand sugar growth stage, photosynthetic rate of high- yielding varieties was higher than that of high sugarvarieties. In the seedling stage, intercellular CO2 concentration of high-yielding varieties was lower than that ofhigh sugar varieties, intercellular CO2 concentration of high yield varieties in sugar accumulation period washigher than that of high sugar varieties. In the foliage rapid growth stage, stomata conductance of high-yieldvarieties was lower than that of high sugar varieties. The transpiration rate of high-yield varieties in foliage rapid growth stage and sugar accumulation period was lower than that of high sugar varieties.
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