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Journal Articles
Laying down analysis of steel tube umbilical in deep water during installation
Pages: 100-106
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: The Ocean Engineering

Keyword:  steel tube umbilicallaying down analysiscontact & frictionstrength check;
Abstract: Steel tube umbilicals( STUs) are important function structures in subsea engineering and face a huge challenge to be installed in deep water. Numerical simulation of the installation can provide a theoretic basis for the installation of STUs. In this work,laying down analysis was carried out for a STU that would be installed in an oil field of 1 500 m water depth. Structural nonlinearity,contact between internal components of STU and contact between STU and tensioner are fully considered in the analysis. In addition,the strength of the main components of STU is checked. Finally,it is suggested that the problem in the process of installation can be overcome by optimizing the cross-section of STU or using alternative material for STU components.
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