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The effect of skills management in outpatients with first insulin injection
Author(s): WAN Xia, TAN Jing, FAN Chunhua, CHEN Mingzhu, WU Ying, CAO Rong, LU Qun
Pages: 879-
Year: 2014
Journal: Journal of Chinese Nursing Management
Keyword: ifrst insulin injection; Diabetes Mellitus; skills management; effect evaluation;
Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the effect on outpatients with ifrst insulin injection after systematic and comprehensive skills management. Methods: Eighty outpatients using insulin pen ifrst time were surveyed with self-designed questionnaires of the insulin injection-related knowledge & skills and Diabetes Self-care Scale (2-DSCS). Then the authors compared the self-management capacity and insulin-related knowledge & skills of the patients before and after the intervention. Results: The self-management behavior scores increased after the intervention (77.31±10.64 vs. 70.24±12.45,P<0.05). The wrong answer rate of insulin-related knowledge & skills was only 5%~25% after intervention. It decreased 35%~55% compared with before. Conclusion: Skills management could improve self-management capacity and insulin-related knowledge & skills of diabetic patients getting insulin injection ifrst time.
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