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Experimental research of lignite caking property improvement modification by catalytic moderate non-liquefaction hydrogenation
Author(s): Zhu Jianhu, Liu Shengyu, Yao Suling, College of Mining, Taiyuan University of Technology
Pages: 101-
Year: 2014
Journal: China Coal
Keyword: lignite; moderate catalytic hydrogenation; plastic; pyrolysis reactivity; caking index;
Abstract: Using ferrous sulfate as catalyst,the catalytic moderate non-liquefaction hydrogenation and addition plastic on hydrogenation processing experiments have been conducted to improve the plastic properties of Yuanbaoshan lignite.The functional groups,pyrolysis reactivity and the indexes of caking property of hydrogenation coal have been measured.The results indicated that under reaction temperature 350℃and hydrogen pressure 10MPa for 8hours,lignite cola structure change obviously.The content of aliphatic hydrocarbon in coal structure and pyrolysis reactivity have been improved significantly.The caking index of hydrogenation coal increasing from 0to 18.97.The polypropylene addition in catalytic hydrogenation at 350℃has negative effects on lignite plastic property improvement.The caking property of lignite by hydrogenation at 400℃has not been obviously improved.Appropriate hydrogenation reaction temperature playscritical role in the caking property improvement.
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