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Soil erosion evaluation and prediction approach using 137Cs,RS,and GIS in Xiaojiang River basin of China
Author(s): GE Yonggang, CUI Peng, LIN Yongming, ZHUANG Jianqi, JIA Songwei, Key Laboratory of Mountain Hazards and Earth Surface Processes /Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, College of Forestry, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, College of Geology Engineering and Geomatics, Chang’an University, School of Economics, Henan University of Science and Technology
Pages: 887-
Year: 2014
Journal: Journal of Remote Sensing
Keyword: soil erosion; estimation; prediction; 137Cs; RS; GIS; Xiaojiang River basin;
Abstract: It is difficult to evaluate and predict soil erosion and its related effects in mountainous areas without sufficient observation data. This study aimed to estimate and predict changes in soil erosion using137Cs,RS,and GIS techniques and propose an a pproach for soil erosion evaluation in mountainous areas. Using the erosion modulus calculating models based on137Cs concentration,the annual average soil erosion modulus of forest lands,shrub lands,grasslands,farmlands,and uncovered land were obtained. The values were 356—1531 t /( km2·a),330—1709 t/( km2·a),886—3885 t/( km2·a),5197—12454 t/( km2·a),and more than 1 5000 t /( km2·a),respectively. Then,erosion zoning was done by combining erosion rates and land use data by interpreting remote sense images from 1987( Landsat TM),1995( Landsat TM),and 2005( Landsat ETM),and these were overlaid with 1∶ 50000 DEM data. The results showed that the eroded land changed very little from 1987 to 2005,accounting for about66% —67. 3% of the total; however,the erosion intensity significantly rose from 1987 to 1995,up to 30% for some land use types. The eroded land, with the erosion modulus of 2500—5000 t /( km2·a),5000—8000 t/( km2·a), and 8000—15000 t /( km2·a) rise 30%,23%,and 26%,respectively. The soil erosion amount in the Xiaojiang River basin was 7.51 ×106t / a,8. 19 × 106t /a,and 8. 18 × 106t /a in 1987,1995,and 2005,r espectively. Moreover,the zoning and amount of soil erosion for 2015 was predicted using a Markov-Cellar A utomata Model,which was established using the data from 1995 and 2005. The predicted result,8. 17 × 106t /a,was very similar to that from 2005. This study provides a valuable solution to evaluate and predict soil erosion for mountainous areas in southwest China.
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