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Journal Articles
Study on isolation of endophytic fungi from Toddalia asiatica and their antimicrobial activity
Pages: 422-426
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Journal of Guangdong College of Pharmacy

Keyword:  Toddalia asiaticamycorrhizal fungiantifungal activity;
Abstract: Objective To investigate endophytic fungi from Toddalia asiatica and antimicrobial effect of their secondary metabolites. Methods Endophytic fungi was isolated from the roots and stems of healthy Toddalia asiatica and identified by conventional method. Antimicrobial tests of the endophytic fungi and their secondary metabolites were carried out by colony disc method and filter paper disc method. Results Among 21 strains of endophytic fungi isolated from Toddalia asiatica, 18 strains ( 85. 7% of the total strains isolated) showed the antimicrobial activity against at least one of 12 experimental bacteria, and the secondary metabolites of 5 strains ( 24. 0% of the total strains isolated ) presented antimicrobial activity against at least one of experimental bacteria. Conclusion The study on endophytic fungi and their secondary metabolites from Toddalia asiatica may provide resources for new antimicrobial products.
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