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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Pages: 302-303
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine

Keyword:  acupunctureprofessioninitiallynicotineAcupuncturesmokingweeklynowadayspsychologicalunderstood;
Abstract: Objective: Substance dependence is nowadays understood in a multifactorial etiological model, which includes psychological, neurobiological, genetic, social and environmental factors.Nicotine dependence is characterized by specific withdrawal symptoms, including anxiety, difficulty of concentrating, depressed mood, increased appetite, insomnia and irritability.The trans-theoretical model of change introduces a series of stages through which smokers proceed as they successfully abandon their smoking habit.Acupuncture has been used in the treatment of nicotine dependence.This study will demonstrate the potential effects of acupuncture treatment for smoking cessation during different dependence stages, according to the trans-theoretical model of change.Methods: A total of 130 subjects who have been regular smokers for a time period exceeding ten years, during which they have been smoking over 20 cigarettes per day, were allocated into 4 groups according to their clinical history based on change stages, Readiness Ruler test and Fagerstrom test.The four groups were: pre-intention, intention, preparation, and action.Demographics were recorded during their first visit, including sex, age, profession, presence of aggravating/mental disease.All subjects underwent identical acupuncture therapy, which included 10 acupuncture sessions, during a 5-week period.The duration of these sessions was 20 min each, initially held twice weekly for all groups, at the same place, by the same acupuncturist.For improvement-monitoring purposes, we recorded two parameters:the number of cigarettes smoked, and an evaluation form.This form included a subjective evaluation of each person, regarding the course of eight symptoms, using a four-point scale.Results: Different percentages of improvement were recorded at different stages.The behavioral change stage of each subject has an impact over the final results deriving from an identical treatment session.Conclusion: The total effectiveness measured for the whole study population is significantly different from the results measured in each individual group.
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