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Journal Articles
Numerical simulation for water deoxygenation in rotating packed bed
Pages: 2785-2792
Year: Issue:  7
Journal: Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering(China)

Keyword:  rotating packed bedmodelnumerical simulationmass transfer coefficientwater deoxygenation;
Abstract: A mathematical model for gas-liquid interphase mass transfer was established based on the visual study of fluid flow in a rotating packed bed(RPB). The effects of model parameters on liquid mass transfer coefficient kL, as well as the effect of operation parameters on overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient KLa in gas-liquid mass transfer process of water deoxygenation by a nitrogen stream were studied via numerical simulations with the mathematical model. Simulation results indicated that kL increased with decreasing liquid residence time and increasing liquid molecular diffusivity. KLa increased with increasing higee(high gravity) factor, temperature and liquid flow rate but influenced hardly by pressure, and decreased slightly with increasing gas flow rate. Additionally, the mass transfer contribution of cavity zone diminished with increasing higee factor, as well as decreasing cavity zone volume. According to numerical simulation results, the nature of process intensification for gas-liquid mass transfer process in RPB lay in transient liquid residence time. Deoxygenation efficiency E calculated from this model agreed well with experimental E extracted from literatures with deviations within ?16%, which verified the mass transfer model.
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