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Journal Articles
Purity Identification, Molecular ID Establishment and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Soybeans Attending National Regional Test of North Spring Soybean in 2012
Pages: 277-282
Year: Issue:  18
Journal: Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin

Keyword:  soybeanidentification of puritymolecular IDgenetic diversity;
Abstract: Purity identification, molecular ID and analysis of genetic relation of cultivars were completed fortest cultivar in the national north spring soybean cultivar authorize. These work had great contribution to thecultivar breeding and spread. 13 SSR markers which distributed in 8 linkage groups of soybean were used toidentify 94 cultivars belong to the tested varieties of national north spring soybean cultivar authorize in 2012.The results showed that the purity of these varieties ranged from 53.85% to 100%, and averaged 99.02%. FiveSSR markers including Satt231, Satt288, Satt160, Satt193 and Sat-092, were used to identify the 94 soybeanvarieties, then a unique molecule ID was obtained for each variety. The genetic similar coefficient of 94varieties ranged from 0 to 0.846, the average value was 0.2783, and the result indicated the genetic differencewas huge in the 94 tested varieties. SSR analysis method was an effective method to identify the purity,construct molecular ID and complete analysis of genetic relation for the tested varieties.
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