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Journal Articles
Single Neuron Self-adaptive Intelligent Speed Control System of Brushless DC Motor
Pages: 68-70
Year: Issue:  22
Journal: Value Engineering

Keyword:  BLDCMsingle neuron PID controllerpiecewise linearization;
Abstract: According to brushless DC motor, this paper designed a kind of single neuron self-adaptive PID intelligent controller which can be learned online, the weights can be adjusted by supervised Hebb learning rule, the neuron weights are adjusted according feedback error in every sampling, so as to realize the self-adaptation of three PID parameters. Brushless DC motor back EMF wave was built by using piecewise linearization method, the current regulation was realized by using hysteresis current controller and simulation model was structured based on Matlab / Simulink simulation platform. The results show that the intelligent PID control effect and robustness are better than the conventional PID, so it greatly improved the following characteristic of the system, and it can satisfy the real-time requirements of the brushless motor system.
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