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Journal Articles
Clinical Application of Etomidate Combined with Remifentanil by Target Controlled Infusion Anesthesia During Painless Bronchofiberscopy
Pages: 1039-1041,1042
Year: Issue:  8
Journal: Herald of Medicine

Keyword:  EtomidateRemifentanilInfusiontarget controlledBronchofiberscopypainless;
Abstract: Objective To discuss the safety of using etomidate combined with remifentanil by target controlled infusion ( TCI) for painless bronchofibroscopy. Methods Sixty patients were divided into two groups: painless bronchoscopy group (treatment group, 24 patients) and the routine bronchoscopy group (control group, 36 patients). Treatment group received TCI of remifentanil and intravenous injection of etomidate fat emulsion. Control group was subjected to surface anesthesia with 2%lidocaine. SpO2 , blood pressure, heart rate and breath changes during examination and complete awakening were continuously monitored. Bronchofiberscopy time, body movement during examination, bucking and satisfaction degree after examination were also recorded. Results Treatment group patients felt senseless and painless during bronchoscopy, without memory of bronchoscopy and pain. Patients in control group had discomfort, body movement and acute bucking, and most of them had painful memory. There were significant differences between the two groups (P<0. 01). In treatment group, after examination, blood pressure, respiratory frequency, heart rate and SpO2 were significantly decreased (P<0. 01). During examination, the blood pressure, respiratory frequency and heart rate were increased, and SpO2 decreased in control group compared to the baseline (P<0. 01). There was no significant difference in SpO2 between treatment group and control group during examination (P>0. 05). Conclusion TCI etomidate combined with remifentanil during bronchoscopy achieved satisfying anesthetic effect.
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