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A“Panchronic”Balance Model in “Shuttle Swing”:Critical and Aesthetic View of Appraisal Stylistics on Nowism
Author(s): PENG Xuanwei
Pages: 114-
Year: 2014
Journal: EST Learning
Keyword: 泛时性; 波动平衡; 现在主义; 评价文体学; 批评与审美;
Abstract: The author aims at constructing a critical and aesthetic model of Appraisal Stylistics based on Nowist epistemology he himself puts forward,the latter meaning that what has passed is not past at all but immediately become part of the present;and the fundamental idea is a dynamic balance view,which engages two aspects:Contrasting Swing of appraisal elements along a literary text from the synchronic perspective and Shuttle Swing of appraisal categories among both synchronic and diachronic(hence panchronic)texts.The present paper reports the study of the Shuttle Swing model construction based on appraisal categories.It first makes a case analysis of a text,then puts forward a critical and aesthetic view of Appraisal Category in terms of the latter’s sub-categories but surpassing the due theoretical paradigm,and finally accounts for 8pairs of prototypical cases in swing balance.The attempt will benefit a better understanding of"literariness"from a more particular perspective that previous literary studies want.
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