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Journal Articles
Tectono-thermal Evolution of Sichuan Basin in Early Paleozoic
Pages: 10-17
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment

Keyword:  tectono-thermal evolutionmulti-phase extensional modelEarly Paleozoicbasal heat flowlithospheric scalenumerical modelingSichuan Basin;
Abstract: Sichuan Basin,located in the western margin of Yangtze Plate,is one of the important oil-gas-bearing basins in China.The basin is in the passive continental margin stage with rift in Sinian-Ordovician.The tectono-thermal evolution of basin was simulated by ageodynamical method in the lithospheric scale,and the thermal history of Early Paleozoic was obtained in order to provide important thermal parameters for assessment of hydrocarbon generation of basin.The tectonic subsidence of basin was firstly calculated by back-stripping technique to provide objective function for the tectono-thermal modeling;secondly,based on two-dimensional multi-phase extensional model,three episode extensional coefficients were estimated through fitting with the tectonic subsidences of Late Sinian,Cambrian and Ordovician in order to reveal the evolution of lithospheric base and temperature,as well as the basal heat flow.The modeling results show that the thermal disturbance,which is induced due to lithospheric extension and upwelling of asthenosphere,increases the basal heat flow in Late Sinian,and the effects are high in the northwest and southwest of basin and little in the northeast;the thermal disturbance weakens in Cambrian and disappears gradually in Ordovician,and consequently the basal heat flow decreases slowly;the basal heat flow of basin is still 52-59mW·m-2 in Early Paleozoic.
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