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Journal Articles
Functional Model of Airborne Radar Based on UML
Pages: 981-985
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Journal of System Simulation

Keyword:  airborne radarfunctional modelair combat simulationeffectiveness evaluationair Combat decisionUML;
Abstract: To support the fighter effectiveness evaluation and Air Combat Automatic Decision, airborne radar functional model that could adjust its parameters based on the requirement was needed. According to the analysis of the airborne radar’s working mode and using characteristics in actual air combat, functional model of airborne radar was built from three aspects: The interactive features between airborne radar and fighter, the basic target detective function, targets management, and the transformation relation of working modes with targets management based on UML. Finally, in the simulation test case, where airborne radar was used in the air combat, the usability and applicability of the functional simulation model of Airborne Radar were validated.
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