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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Resistance of Different Eucalyptus Strains to Leptocybe invasa Fisher & La Salle
Pages: 316-322
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Chinese Journal of Biological Control

Keyword:  Leptocybe invasastraingallranks of fascicled symptomresistance;
Abstract: Twelve eucalyptus strains that show great potential for plantation or have already been cultivated widely in China were collected and planted in three plots(Zhaoqing, Yangjiang and Zhanjiang of Guangdong province) for testing resistance to Leptocybe invasa Fisher & La Salle. Results suggested that M 1(Eucalyptus urophylla×E. tereticornis) and Leizhou 9(E. urophylla×E. tereticornis) were highly resistant strains, seven strains including DH3229(E. urophylla×E. grandis), DH3228(E. urophylla×E. grandis), DH3226(E. urophylla×E. grandis), LH1(E. urophylla×E. tereticornis), Jinguang 21(E. jinguang No. 21), Guangzhou 3(E. wetarensis×E. marginata) and Guanglin 9(E. grandis×E. urophylla) were resistant strains, while E. dunnii and Leizhou 11(E. urophylla×E. tereticornis) were susceptible strains, and Eg5(E. grandis) was highly susceptible strain. Significant differences in gall numbers and grade of fascicled symptom were recorded between eucalyptus strains.
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