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Journal Articles
Design of Powder Feeding System for Components /Properties Changed Continually FGM Fabricated by Laser Forming Processes
Pages: 648-652
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Journal of Beijing University of Technology

Keyword:  functionally gradient materials(FGM)powder feeding systemlaser forming fabrication;
Abstract: To solve the difficulty that the mixing proportioning of various powders should be changed continuously to satisfy the requirement of FGM( and functional part) whose components /properties should be changed continually fabricated by laser forming processes,the four channels linkage powder feeding system was designed and manufactured,and the value of powder output of each channel can be changed continually. This paper elaborated the theory of the mechanism design and electric control of powder feeding system. By which the relevant tests were made with Fe313 alloy powder,the experimental results show that the value of powder output can be changed with linear functions having the different slope lines over time. With this powder feeding system,the thickness of cladding layer changed continuously was achieved in 6 kW CO2 laser cladding experiment with Ni25 alloy powder.
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