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Three-Dimensional Realization of Geological Structure Map of Beishan Mineralization Belt
Author(s): GAO Wen-yu, WANG Zhi-yuan, LI De-zhong, MOU Ye-long
Pages: 89-
Year: 2014
Journal: Gansu Metallurgy
Keyword: Beishan mineralization belt; geological structure map; three dimensional;
Abstract: Beishan mineralization belt is located within east of Xinjiang , northwest of Gansu and west of Nei Monggol , stretching in the area of 150,000 square kilometers , is one of 16 major metallogenic belt in China .Using SRTM DEM as the DEM data source and through data processing and the superposition of the geological structure map of BeiShan mineraliza -tion belt on the DEM, Preparation of the DEM 3D geological structure map of BeiShan mineralization belt was made .Finally the conversion of 2D geological structure map has been transformed into 3D space to enhance 3D effect and the hierarchy sense of geological structure map ,to express BeiShan mineralization belt geomorphological features and the analysis of rela -tionship between geological structure and strikes of the mountains .By using this method , the time for reading the map can be reduced,and the efficiency and accuracy improved .
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