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Journal Articles
Synthesis of a binaphthol based thiosemicarbazone and its fluorescent recognition to zinc(Ⅱ)
Pages: 191-196+94
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Journal of Jinzhou Nomal College, Natural Science Edition

Keyword:  BinaphtholFluorescent probeZinc recognitionThiosemicarbazone;
Abstract: A new binaphthol derivatized thiosemicarbazone BSB1 has been synthesized and characterized. In DMSO-HEPES( 1: 1,v /v,HEPES 1. 0 × 10-2mol /L,pH = 7. 4) buffered solution,BSB1 exhibited a selective fluorescent recognition to Zn2+ over other tested metal ions with a significant fluorescence enhancement at 572 nm and red shift. BSB1 bind with Zn2+ through 1: 2 stoichiometry with a association constant of 3. 7 × 109L2/mol2.
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