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Effects of shading on endogenous hormones regulation in kernel development of summer maize in the field
Author(s): CUI Hai-yan, JIN Li-bin, LI Bo, DONG Shu-ting, LIU Peng, ZHAO Bin, ZHANG Ji-wang, State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology / College of Agronomy, Shandong Agricultural University
Pages: 1373-
Year: 2014
Journal: Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
Keyword: shading; summer maize; grain development; endogenous hormones; kernel number per ear;
Abstract: Taking 3 maize hybrids,Zhenjie 2( ZJ2),Denghai 605( DH605) and Zhengdan 958( ZD958) as test materials,the effects of shading on the physiological function of endogenous hormones during grain formation of summer maize were investigated in the field. The ambient sunshine treatment was used as the control( CK) and 3 shading treatments with a shading degree of 60% were designed in growth periods ranging from tasseling to maturity( S1),from jointing to tasseling stage( S2) and whole growing period( S3),respectively. Results showed that the total floret number,filament number and pollination floret number decreased after shading in comparison with CK, and aborted seeds increased accordingly. The kernels per ear showed an order of CK>S2>S1>S3, and those of S1,S2and S3were 18. 9%,43. 7% and 80. 8% lower than that of CK. The IAA,GA and ZR contents of normal grain in the shading treatments were lower than in CK,while the ABA content was opposite. The same hormone change with grain growth in all treatments presented a similar trend. Compared to normal grains,the maximum value of IAA content in aborted grains shifted from the 20th day to the 10th day after pollination,with less IAA accumulation and rapid reduction, and the contents of GA and ZR decreased significantly,while that of ABA was still high at the 20th day after pollination. Therefore,the effects of shading on hormone contents in grains might lead to grain abortion and yield reduction.
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