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Journal Articles
Application of Precipitation Forecast Analysis on Operation of Fengtan Reservoir
Pages: 116-118
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Underground Water

Keyword:  Fengtan reservoirprecipitation forecastaccuracy analysisapplication research;
Abstract: Due to the accuracy limitation of precipitation forecast , reservoir power station can't operate effectively to create as many economic benefit as possible .The study, therefore, makes an analysis on the accuracy of precipitation forecast for Fengtan to explore the runoff regulation ability of the drainage basin where Fengtan water reservoir locates .Accordingly , the effect of precipita-tion forecast's accuracy on reservoir operation is discussed in this paper .Moreover , real-time precipitation forecast productions are applied in reservoir operation .Results show that rainfall process is important when encounter rainstorm , and reservoir operation should according to precipitation forecast for previous five days;rainfall is the key elements when encounter heavy rain and precipi-tation forecast for previous four days is the guidance for reservoir operation ;starting and ending time are important when encounter moderate and light rain , the actual rainfall is most important .The application helps to optimize control of reservoir water leve , in-crease water resource utilization and bring benefits to the reservoir .
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