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Journal Articles
Studies on the role of allicin in inhibiting pulmonary remodeling and in the development of pulmonary artery
Pages: 46-54
Year: Issue:  z1

Keyword:  野百合碱大蒜素高血压肺性肺动 脉大鼠;
Abstract: Objective To examine whether the allicin has beneficial effects in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension and ultr astructural changes induced by monocrotaline (MCT). Methods One hundred and ninety eight male Wi star rats weighing from 180 g to 200 g were randomly divided into three groups: ① Pulmonary hypertension (PH) group (n=66) treated with MCT(80 mg/kg, ih); ② Allicin group (n=66)treated with MCT+Allicin 〔15 mg/(kg*d)〕;③ Con trol group (n=66 ), treated with NS. Results The results showed that:① In MCT group, the pulmonary arterial pressure increased to maximum level at d 28 a fter injection of MCT attaining to (5.83±0.22) kPa as compared to the control of (2.91±0.04) kPa (P<0.01); ② In allicin group, the pulmonary arterial p ressure decreased to (4.51±0.22) kPa and the total pulmonary resistance (TPR) d e creased from (1 483.05±157.97)U (MCT group) to (637.15±19.26)U (P<0.01) ;③ The responsiveness of pulmonary artery to norepinephrine(10-4 mol/L ) was significantly reduced in allicin group; ④ The blood gas (PO2, PCO2 and pH) changes induced by MCT was also remarkably attenuated by administration of allicin (P<0.01); ⑤ All of the ultrastructural changes (including the thickening of pulmonary media layer, musculinization of pulmonary artery, decrea se in Ⅰ-type collagenous fibers, pathologic changes of endothelial cells and p l atelet aggregation, etc.) were significantly alleviated by administration of all icin. The mechanisms responsible for the actions of allicin were discussed. Co nclusion It is indicated that allicin has definite beneficial ef fects in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension.
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