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Journal Articles
Micro-pollutants removal in combined process of catalytic ozonation and BAC
Pages: 304-307,320
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Journal of Harbin University of Commerce(Natural Sciences Edition)

Keyword:  organic pollutantsbiological activated carboncatalytic ozonationresidual ozone;
Abstract: In this paper, biological activated carbon (BAC) was respectively combined with ozonation and catalytic ozonation techniques to research the organic micropollutants removal through a pilot scale test .It was showed that catalytic ozonation had higher ability to enhance BAC for organic compounds removal than ozonation alone .In the combined process of cata-lytic ozonation and biological activated carbon , more organic micropollutants were removed in the catalytic oxidation step , reducing the organic load of biological activated carbon , so that the life time of biological activated carbon was extended .There will be positive effect on bio-logical activity because of less residual ozone content and higher oxygen concentration in the effluents of catalytic ozonation process .
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