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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Retrospective Analysis of Adverse Drug Reaction of Ibuprofen
Pages: 11-13
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: China Licensed Pharmacist

Keyword:  IbuprofenAdverse ReactionRetrospective Analysis;
Abstract: Objective:To analyze the general rules of the adverse drug reactions induced by ibuprofen and the pharmacoepidemiology features so as to provide a reference for rational and safe application of ibuprofen in clinical practice. Methods: ADR cases induced by ibuprofen were retrieved through key words searching and database review of CNKI and VIP from 1996 to 2012. The ADR information was retrospectively analyzed using statistical method. Results: The ADRs induced by ibuprofen presented in all age groups and the clinical manifestations were many and complex involving multiple organs and systems, therefore precautions should be made for the occurrence of serious ADRs. Conclusion: In order to ensure safe medication attention should be paid to the individual difference of patients and the standardization of drug application, in addition, medication compliance of patients should be improved and the therapeutic drug monitoring be strengthened.
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