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Analysis on the Crystallization of Absorber of Iron Molybdenum Formaldehyde Plant
Author(s): Shi Bei, Sichuan Tianhua Chemical Co., Ltd.
Pages: 185+177
Year: 2014
Journal: Guangdong Chemical Industry
Keyword: absorber; crystallization & polymerization; absorption; vicious cycle; electric tracing;
Abstract: Based on the phenomena,like clogging of tower,degrading of absorber operation,product unable to be taken out and etc that results from crystallization and polymerization in the absorber of iron molybdenum formaldehyde plant,the paper analyzed in various aspects the root causes with respect to formaldehyde process,design,operation,crystallization theory,etc,and put forward various resolutions in terms of operation optimization,technical improvements to the plant,addition of electric tracing and etc,and also makes clear the results of these measures.
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