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Journal Articles
Plight of and Solution to Rural Education under the Movement of School Closure and Merger
Pages: 114-119
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Tsinghua Journal of Education

Keyword:  school closure and mergergrowth moral hazardeducational j usticerural culture;
Abstract: The movement of school closure and merger since the late 1990’s has contributed to the inj ustice faced by rural education,increased the growth moral hazard of rural children,and accelerated the desolation of rural society.This phenomenon has multiple causes:it results from a loss of educa-tional j ustice as well as policy misexecution,but the deeper reason is the decline and fall of rural cul-ture.To step out of the plight,we have to be discreet when we promote the education policy,and we need also reflect on education reform and even the economist orientation of the national education de-sign,so as to achieve education j ustice,and,even more important,to rebuild rural culture and resume the vitality of rural education.
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