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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
The Pros and Cons of Recite Strategies in English Teaching
Pages: 98-99
Year: Issue:  8
Journal: Overseas English

Keyword:  recitationshallow processinglong memory;
Abstract: Recitation is the basis of second language acquisition theory according to well-known American linguist Krashen[1].Recitation has a very long history in China’s traditional culture and education, it’s one of the most important way of learning mother tongue and also plays a pivotal role in the English teaching. However, some scholars have found that the input of recitation focus only on formal 、shallow processing and mechanical memory, but it can’t achieve the discourse of representation and enhanced language learning affection in the long-term memory.The author of this paper, talking about the pros and cons of recite strategy from multi-angle,analysis the conducive methods of recitation in English teaching of our Chinese-style high school.
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