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Sensitivity Analysis of Vegetation Parameters based on PROSAIL Model
Author(s): Wang Lijuan, Niu Zheng, School of Geodesy and Geomatus, Jiangsu Normal University, The State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Pages: 219-
Year: 2014
Journal: Remote Sensing Technology and Application
Keyword: PROSAIL model; Sensitivity Analysis; EFAST;
Abstract: To provide a reference for parameter inversion and the model optimization,the Extended Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test(EFAST)was used to global sensitivity analysis of the PROSAIL model parameters.This paper quantified the sensitivity,and screened out the parameter which had the greatest impact to the model results.The results show that:in the red band,the parameters Cab,Ns,Hspot and LAI,are more than 0.1of total sensitivity index.The total sensitivity index of Cab is high to 0.489,which is the primary impact parameter to the PROSAIL model simulation results.In the near-infrared band,the parameters LAI,Cm,ALA,Ns and Hspot are more than 0.1of total sensitivity index.The sensitivity index of LAI is high to 0.512,which is the greatest impact parameter to the PROSAIL model simulation results.
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